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Physical Book

Mountain of Faith

SKU: 0008
  • The Mountain of Faith: A mountain has many views depending which side of it you are standing on. Faith is much like a mountain—it also has many views. In this book I talk about the many different views of faith. God will never rebuke you for the measurement you’re using. He will rebuke you, however, for not using your faith. It doesn’t matter what measure of faith you have, whether shovel faith or bulldozer faith, you just need to use it and then your spiritual strength will grow. As you keep feeding on the Word, your faith will grow, and then you’ll exchange the tablespoon for a big shovel. Then you just keep enlarging the size of your faith equipment. Don’t get caught up on how long you may have to do this, just keep doing it. You can’t look at someone else who’s getting quicker results, and whine because you’re not getting results as quick. You don’t know what measure of faith with which they are working. Don’t get down on yourself because something is taking longer. You need to get after yourself if you’re not using your faith—the measure of faith that you’re using matters. The Holy Spirit will always lead you based on your measure of faith. That’s why He is the counselor that you want to follow. The counsel of people is fine unless the Spirit’s counsel is different. The Spirit knows more about you than anybody else knows. He knows your measure of faith even better than you may know your measure of faith. He will counsel you based on your measure of faith.

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